Stratégie et management des organisations – Diagnostic & accompagnement au changement - Gestion de projet -

Graduate in management, humanitarian law and international affairs, Pierre BEURRIER worked for 15 years in the health sector. First in the humanitarian sector, mainly with Médecins Sans Frontières from field functions (administrator, project manager, head of missions) up to headquarter management positions (Operational Coordinator and DAF), then for an healthcare establishment (MCO) as deputy of the Executive Director.

From his field experience in conflict areas (Bosnia, Rwanda, Angola, Sudan, Gaza, etc.) or as manager of operational contexts, he has been able to develop capacities for action, analysis and negotiation. He also knows the management mechanisms and tools to guide and steer an organization. His experience at MSF but also in a surgical establishment places him as a specialist in project management.

Part-time trainer, he is able of transmitting knowledge, structuring an analysis and proposing solutions, even for the most complex issues.
In 2009, Pierre co-founded "Accomplir Consulting", a firm specialized in performance improvement, change management and innovation.
He has supported more than 40 innovation projects, change or strategic steering support projects.
Passionate about skiing and contemporary history, Pierre is married and has 4 childrens.

Country of intervention: Bosnie, Rwanda, Angola, Soudan du Sud, Côte d’Ivoire, Indonésie, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Palestine, Kenya, Congo RDC, France, Belgique, Hollande, Royaume-Uni, Suisse.